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Marijuana legalization is slowing spreading throughout the U.S, especially for medical use. Meanwhile research steadily pours in for the controversial and possible ground-breaking health benefits of CBD, an active healing compound in the cannabis plant.

CBD, or cannabidiol, belongs to a class of compounds called cannabinoids, and is one of more than 60 compounds found in the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol (CBD) along with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the two main ingredients in the marijuana plant. Chances are you are more familiar with THC, which is best known for being the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. CBD, however, is non-psychoactive. In other words, CBD can’t get you high.

Today CBD is being recognized as a revolutionary natural compound, offering a host of medicinal health support without the high. It’s completely legal to distribute and purchase, and is easily the most exciting active cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant.

Here are 8 Ways CBD Can Change Your Life:

1. Muscle, Joint, and Organ Health Support

Inflammatory diseases can be crippling—Rheumatoid arthritis for instance, is caused by the body’s immune system attacking itself, and causes severe inflammation. Research at the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology suggests that CBD can support healthy joint, muscle, and organ function.

2. Anxiety and Depression

Endocannabinoids (ECS) are chemical compounds that play a key role in memory, mood, brain reward systems, drug addiction, and energy balance. As the name suggests, they are activated by the same receptors as CBD. Research has been conducted and reported to show the benefits of the ECS system in relation to combating depression, anxiety, increase appetite, and create feelings of well-being. CBD naturally acts on the ECS system’s signals to reportedly increase receptor function and flow.

3. Increase Appetite In Ill Patients

A common downside to many illnesses is malnutrition and prolonged hospital visits in patients. Patients who undergo chemotherapy for instance, regularly talk about having no desire to eat, adding to their lack of energy. Medication, illnesses, and mental reaction to illnesses can cause the ECS system to reduce the desire of appetite. For centuries, CBD has shown itself to promote appetite. The “munchies” as so many call it, can be beneficial in giving ill patients the desire to indulge in food and promote a healthy body while they receive treatment. Proper nourishment increases the patient’s chance to combat illness.

4. Support Brain Health

An estimated 5.3 million people have Alzheimer’s in the United States. Of those, two-thirds are women. CBD promotes immunity health and promotes healthy organ, muscle, and joint function. Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and multiple sclerosis all lead to degeneration of the brain, but studies show that increased ECS activity can aid in reducing the onset of degenerative brain diseases. Use of CBD can increase activity in the ECS system.

5. Anti-psychotic Effects

Research suggests that CBD is able to limit psychotic episodes that are usually associated with excessive THC intake. From there, researchers then were able to suggest that CBD may be able to promote therapeutic relief in various forms of psychosis. CBD is all-natural and offers no side effects, while most anti-psychotic drugs have numerous side effects.

6. Slow Brain Aging

Our brains naturally deteriorate with time. Oxygen being a contributor to aging may no longer have as strong of an impact, thanks to recent CBD research. A 2012 study suggests that increasing activity in the CBD system may promote oxygen cleaning from the brain. This would remove free radicals, which damage cells over time. Free radicals are unavoidable, as they are a product of the foods and drinks we ingest, our environment, and the various topical items we place on our skin. Being able to cancel free radicals, increase the longevity of cells throughout the body and’ allows for prolonged function.

7. Increase Brain Activity

CBD has been shown to improve the efficiency of mitochrondria, the energy source for cells. The oxygen cleanse which also reduces the brain’s aging process, plays a part in also increasing brain activity. Through destroying free radicals, mitochondria are able to function properly. Because the brain has an extremely high energy demand it is important to over-exceed this demand to increase proper brain functioning.

8. Anti-Bacterial

As a natural resource, reportedly CBD also has the ability to provide antibacterial support to the body. Since 1950, CBD has been used for tuberculosis and other diseases. As more bacteria begin to evolve and find resistance to prescribed antibiotics, CBD is all natural and promote healthy immune response to bacteria.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is a bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics, and in the United States it kills about 18,000 of the 94,000 people it infects yearly. A study from the University of London claims that CBD provided potent activity against a variety of MRSA strains.

  • The FDA has not evaluated the validity or truthfulness of these claims; therefore, we encourage you to review published researches relating to the benefits and properties of CBD hemp oils and other CBD products.

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